Sealed Vanish

by Briar

Effect: You take a coin and wrap it up in a peice of paper. You then tear up the peice of paper and the coin has misteriously vanished.

Secret: You will need a small coin and a peice of paper aproximately 3in. by 4in. You go in front of the audience and let them examine the peice of paper and the coin. You now put the coin in the middle of the paper.Now take the top edge and fold it toward you so it is barely covering the cin so about half way down. Fold both sides away from you. For the last part fold the bottom edge away from you. From the audiences point if view the coin looks completely sealed. On your side though you will notice a slit at the bottom where the coin will slide out into you hand. Before you let it slide in you hand let a member of the audience feel that the coin is still inside.(you must hide the edge)Now hold the paper up and let it fall into your hand without the audience knowing. Tear up the now empty paper and produce coin from behind someone's ear.

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