The Ambitious Nines

THE EFFECT: You take a card from the deck and place it face down on the table. Explaining that this is your "Prediction" card. The spectator is told to thoroughly shuffle the cards then deal them into three piles.

Amazingly, every card on the bottom of each pile matches your prediction card! They are all nines.

THE SECRET: Before the trick, remove all four nines and place them in your pocket. Take any one of the nines and use it as your prediction card.

While the spectator is shuffling the deck take the other three nines from your pocket and palm them. When the spectator is done shuffling take back the pack and secretly place the four nines on top of the deck.

Ask the spectator to deal the deck out into three piles of cards. Without knowing it the spectator will be dealing a nine on the bottom of each of the three piles.

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Apr 09, 2009
Not bad
by: Anonymous

It wasn't bad but everyone I did it on knew how I did it.

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